Monday, May 26


no website has ever put my sarcastic and/or unique-ish thoughts into words as well as this one

Saturday, May 24


i don't know if this happens to other people but i have experienced this so many times that i now need to express my confusion. 

every time i party, i go to bed super late and just pass out. when i awake it is 8:30 am and i don't feel tired. i actually feel motivated and make an actual breakfast and accomplish things i have been meaning to do for weeks. i really really don't understand why this happens. but i'm not complaining. it actually makes me feel like i'm living life.

i also have discovered some amazing and inspirational art. the artist's name is David Ellis and his swirly colorful creative pieces of beauty amaze me. look him up.

Monday, May 5


today i purchased my ticket to the electric daisy carnival and i am inexpressibly excited. not only will i be going with my closest friends, but the sights and sounds will enhance my "ecstatic" state of mind to a point that i may not be able to take in. i realized, though, that the experience is most exciting to me because of the freedom i will have to express myself. my friend and i were discussing what we should wear because, after all, there will be an incredible amount of dancing and walking going on for at least 5 hours. we don't want to be super casual though, we want to be bright and get noticed. we want to have as much fun as possible and that will only be possible if we dress in eye-catching and dj dance worthy clothes and colors. i'm thinking electric blue leggings, multi-colored flats, and a shirt my friend found that changes color with heat. and don't forget the makeup possibilities. green eyeliner and glitter eyeshadow are my best friends. i have high expectations for this night...but i have to wait till the end of june.