Wednesday, April 23

a perfect day

i have been asked many times how i would describe my perfect day, and i finally know the answer.

wake up and have a breakfast consisting of chai tea and mangos.
watch The View.
get dressed and take my dogs on a walk on c. street.
meet a friend for lunch at Zoey's Cafe.
go home and write for a while, maybe take a photo walk, maybe buy some shoes online.
go see a movie, play, or concert with someone who can discuss the said entertainment intelligently afterward.
sleeeeep for hours and hopefully enjoy a crazy dream.

realizing how simple it is to make your life simple is key. then every day can be perfect for you. but why The View you may ask...i enjoy watching those women argue. it gets my urge to debate with people out of my system. i just nod my head in agreement with whoopi. it's kind of a form of meditation you could say in that it destresses me. 


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