Thursday, January 22

hope/hype = wtf

i'm not a very political person. i don't claim to understand everything going on in the country right now. but i'm gonna vent. but please keep in mind that i have complete respect for republicans and what they believe, but i don't respect disrespect.

a girl's facebook status is "where you see hope, i see hype."

an old person's bumper sticker says "obama: not my president."

from what i've heard, many (not all) republicans don't want Obama as president because they don't think we need change, don't need to fix anything, except the economy of course because they need their money. but when i see stupid statements like the two above i get very angry. not only is it showing a lack of respect for our country, it is showing a lack of maturity.

Obama won the presidency for a reason. he is everything the country needs right now. if someone would like to be so pessimistic as to say that the hope the country feels is just hype, so be it. but please don't push that fucked up point of view on the rest of us. why promote negativity? 

on this same girl's profile, in her about me thing nonetheless, she has this quote:
"In the spirit of reaching across the aisle, we owe it to the Democrats to show their president the exact same kind of respect and loyalty that they have shown our recent Republican president."
way to be an american. now you believe in equality, right?

if you were a true american, you wouldn't spew bullshit like that. Obama has done nothing to ruin america. bush, on the other hand, did a lot to put america in a bad place. the reason he isn't respected is because he said a lot of dumb things, didn't seem to connect with americans very well and made quite a few bad decisions. the economy is what it is because he did something wrong. problems CAN be prevented. 

(ps: don't you see that the reason bush wasn't respected was because of HIM, not his political party? don't hate on Obama just because he's a democrat. )

did you not see the news on Jan. 20? the happiness that day was nearly tangible. finally the youth was excited. hope is what this country needs. can you imagine the country without it right now? with all of the issues slowly bringing america down, we need someone like Obama to take control. i'm excited for what the future holds and for the history i was able to be a part of, and you, facebook girl, should show respect for the country you claim to love so much.

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