Sunday, January 18

my online shopping life is complete

thanks to O magazine, things have been simplified. is the website from heaven. paste the link of an item you'd like to purchase in the provided space. then place your e-mail address in the other provided space. then click "get alerts."

voila. you just signed up for a price alert. when the price of the item drops, you will be notified. you will stop worrying about missing a sale and are guaranteed to save money. now there is hope that i will get this hooded leather bomber by Silence & Noise for much less than $128, without torturing myself by checking the price daily. does all the work for me. it's one step towards working on being a little less impulsive and indulgent. 


Anonymous said...


My name is Meng, and I'm the founder of Thank you so much for your kind words about us! :-) We flipped through both the January and February issues of Real Simple, but couldn't find where we were mentioned. Could you let us know?!

Kaitlin said...

oops! i meant O magazine's january issue, page 32 on the bottom :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks! It's really exciting to be on such a popular magazine. :-)