Tuesday, December 2

nationally enjoyably good

i love The National.

i listened to "Boxer" about 5 times in a row as i put together my Vista pages (which are stunning, by the way) because it makes me feel warm and cozy. the hazelnut latte that boss lady (liz biz) bought me certainly aided. but seriously, this band is classic. not in the way that means they are super good, but in the way that means their sound is timeless. with the help of Sufjan, the album is beautiful and has an amazing flow and vibe. songs to check out: "ada" (my top choice), "racing like a pro," and "start a war." i know that the album came out in oh seven, but i just gave it a good listen on a hazy day and it fit my comfy mood perfectly. 
speaking of which, isn't it annoying when you get a bunch of new music but you just don't have the patience or time or energy to give it a genuinely interested listen? it makes me so sad because i love to add to my wealth of music knowledge, but i know i have a ways to go. sure, my iPod has over 8000 songs on it, but how much of it have i really listened to? i'm almost embarrassed to say. but at least i know all of the names and at least one song per artist. 

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