Sunday, December 14

on dreams

(Henri Rousseau's "To Dream")

i wrote my last column for The Vista about dreams and how weird mine have been ever since i went home. as an avid dream analyzer (i reference either's dream dictionary or my own physical one that my creepy neighbor gave me), i have made an interesting and disturbing discovery. i will first begin with a description of the two dreams i've had that apply to this theory:

i had a dream that a guy i liked was taking candid pictures of me on a digital camera and that i was looking at the pictures and deleting the ones i didn't like and praising others. we were then laying in a barren field as thunder rolled all around us. we decided to wait till the thunder ended and then go to a party we apparently had planned to make an appearance at. an overall enjoyable dream.

the other dream consisted of me watching tv with my sister. we put on the news and heard screaming. it was a live shot of a mudslide happening at la conchita again. the mud knocked over a cement truck which then spilled a never-ending supply of cement. the news crew's helicopter cam zoomed in on the people being overtaken by the cement and then getting stuck and suffocating. it was absolutely terrible and resulted in me waking up terrified.

now here's the discovery. the first dream's meaning was extremely negative. dreaming of a camera is a warning dream signifying insincere friends around you and deception. to dream of thunder signifies that your suspicions of false friends are well-founded and portends great loss and disappointment. to dream of a field indicates dreary prospects for the future. as you could imagine, i was a little freaked out and mad that my cute dream had lost all levels of cuteness.

the second dream's meaning was extremely positive. to dream of mud predicts "glorious good luck" and to dream of cement signifies a rise in status/income. WTF

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