check out animal collective's album art for their new (leaked) album, "Merriweather Post Pavilion." set it as your desktop background and look at the screen from left to right over and over again. it's boggling.

(and not what loves you back)
check out animal collective's album art for their new (leaked) album, "Merriweather Post Pavilion." set it as your desktop background and look at the screen from left to right over and over again. it's boggling.
my room is cluttered, untidy and busy, but at the same time welcoming and exciting. have you ever realized how much shit you have in your room? besides necessities, which for me are books, hair things, makeup, ihome and perfume, there are all of the little things you've collected throughout your life.
my heart used to belong to fashion. i would make my own jewelry, copying the styles i saw in Teen Vogue (remember those wooden bead necklaces? the big ones? i made 3 of those). i dog-eared countless pages in countless issues of Seventeen, Teen Vogue and Elle Girl (rest in peace). i would circle certain tops or dresses. months before homecoming or prom i knew the exact style of dress i wanted, but could never find it in any stores. i suppose you could say i was ahead of the trend. i always "settled" for betsey johnson because those dresses were the craziest and most unique that i could find. and then the next year, every macy*s would have the dress i wanted the year before in all kinds of colors. and then a bunch of girls would be wearing them at the dance, and i'd be wearing another crazy betsey johnson dress.
christmas day was a day of wackness. i'll leave out the less enjoyable details involving tears (not mine) and comment on the sillz.
as i progressively gain weight this week, i decided to do something productive and write while i continue to sit and wait for hors d'oeuvres. so far i've had an amazing week back. i went last minute shopping with my sister without ever feeling angry despite the crazies that surrounded me at the mall. i finished 280-something paged book in a day. i (along with my sister) made my mom a photo album with pictures of us and our (evil) cat. we decided we needed to put his paw print next to one of his pictures. and that was the worst idea. ever. my sister's carpet is covered in little green paw prints. she stated it best: "it looks like a leprechaun was running around in here!"
this has to be one of the coolest late night performances i've ever seen. it reminds me of chuck e. cheese (for obvious reasons)
i'm so so so excited for christmas this year. for once i don't hate my mom and i get to hang out with my puppies and my kitten. and of course, i'm super close to the SB zoo, at which otters and penguins swim (and that sweet lion puts his face against the glass and looks at me). here are the top 5 things on my christmas list this year, besides the usual Urban/AA gift cards (american apparel, not alcoholics anonymous) my hip mom gives me. and i hear some planned parenthoods have gift cards now. that might be cool to have.
i did this interview last year but Yo La Tengo has been brought up to me a few times this week soooo i'm re-releasing it to the public.
Yo La Tengo, one of the most well-known and respected names in the underground alternative rock world, graced San Diego with their presence this past Sunday, and were kind enough to give an interview to The Vista.
The Freewheeling Yo La Tengo Tour brought the band to San Diego’s Museum of Contemporary Art in La Jolla, at which they held an exclusive engagement that brought together fans of all ages. Children, teenagers, middle-agers and elders sat in anticipation as they waited to see such an influential group take the stage. And once they took the stage, the music took hold of every single person in the room. All sat in silence as Georgia Hubley’s soothing voice covered the room like a blanket, and the guitar skills of Ira Kaplan kept all eyes centered on the strings.
Standouts of the show, besides the very funny comments of the band members, were crowd-pleasers “Autumn Sweater” and “You Can Have It All,” of course, as well as “Stockholm Syndrome,” “Alyda” and the purely instrumental songs that induced chills.
What makes this tour unique, according to Yo La Tengo’s bassist James McNew, is that “not a single thing is planned, it’s very spontaneous.”
The way the Freewheeling tour works is unlike anything most young adults have experienced in the concert scene of today. The band welcomes questions from their audience and tells stories about how they came up with song titles or about projects they have worked on (think VH1’s Storytellers) and then choose the next song they play according to what fits with the discussion that was just held. There is no set list, no agenda; just a show that, as McNew puts it, consists of the band “flying by the seats of [their] collective pants.”
Yo La Tengo has been around since 1984, the year their first album came out, though the three current members, husband and wife Kaplan (guitar/vocals) and Hubley (drums/vocals), and McNew (bass/vocals), have been together since 1991. The chemistry between the threesome is intriguing. It’s a perfect combination of talent, emotion, and comedy; it’s no surprise their music is so affecting and has become a staple of varying generations.
Yo La Tengo doesn’t just put out records either. They do movie scores too. Their compositions can be heard in “Shortbus,” “Old Joy,” and “Junebug” among many many others, as well as the surrealist undersea documentary shorts of French filmmaker Jean Painleve.
The band will soon be kicking off their eight-day set of Hanukkah shows in their hometown of Hoboken, New Jersey. They started doing the Hanukkah shows back in 2001, very soon after the 9/11 terrorist attacks in New York.
“It was a weird time to be an entertainer in New York,” said McNew. “People were kinda going out and getting together again.”
This year’s Hanukkah commemoration will be the fifth in the last seven years. The shows consist of an opening act, which the band books on their own, a little bit of comedy and then a set by Yo La Tengo. The shows are very intimate and fun and proceeds benefit charities yet to be named.
Here are some fun facts about Yo La Tengo, many of which were shared with the audience at Sunday’s show. The band portrayed the Velvet Underground in ‘96’s “I Shot Andy Warhol.” They got a lot of their song titles from messed up sentences that Kaplan and Hubley would come across when proofreading soft porn books (see “Mushroom Cloud of Hiss” off the album “May I Sing With Me” and ponder what it was supposed to be). Kaplan’s favorite color is green while McNew’s is orange. Their song arrangements are not set in stone, which makes them all favorites to perform. McNew is “bummed out by the second season of ‘Heroes’” and considers Nashville to be the “unsung hero of American cities.” Their favorite venue is Maxwell’s in Hoboken. Kaplan has been referred to as the Jewish Jimi Hendrix.
Yo La Tengo’s most recent album, “I Am Not Afraid of You and I Will Beat Your Ass” came out in September of 2006 and is the springboard for the ongoing Freewheeling Yo La Tengo Tour. If you already have that, check out “Yo La Tengo Is Murdering the Classics,” which is accompanied by an “order at your own risk” warning from the band, or “The Sounds of the Sounds of Science,” which is made up of the scores of those aforementioned undersea shorts.
Yo La Tengo is a band that has already made great waves in the music world, and will go down in history for their bravery in experimentation and their true talent. All 500 people that were able to attend the show at the Museum of Contemporary Art were very lucky, and if you are ever presented with the opportunity to see Yo La Tengo, do not let it pass you by.
i am drunk. or at least buzzed. and had the most difficult time writing my articles for The Vista this week. as i slowly type this to avoid misspellings, i begin to think about the lyrics that WHY? is singing to me at this exact moment. something about "fucking grooving?" god damn i want to dance. i miss justice live. they're my friends (they told me). i miss listening to girl talk and playing beer pong with black mugs and glass cups. i miss ecstasy. i miss my big bed at home. i miss stability. i obviously miss being drunk without being depressing. i miss lewis, most of all. i miss being able to write sober, because until i had those glasses of champagne i was experiencing major writer's block, and it was shitty. but for real, i'm gonna start a magazine for USD solely about arts & culture. help a girl out.
yes, i am extremely excited for christmas.
some excitement:
with the realization that i do NOT miss usd at all while being away for tg break, i delved into the emerson website to reignite an old flame and an old hope.
when i woke up today at 12:30 to a wonderful phone call about what drank i would like to have purchased for me tonight, i looked out my window and saw gray skies. not sure what's wrong with me but seeing gray skies made me the happiest i've been all week. i was feeling a bit more healthy after being plagued with a cold for the duration of the week and i decided to treat myself to a day off doing what i do best, watching movies.
waiting for my ride in The Vista office here on campus, i began to ponder weekend plans which then digressed into life plans. i plan on having a studio apartment next year since half of my friends are graduating and almost the entire other half are studying abroad or having children. living by myself (along with a cat and/or dog) is going to be like living in a heaven, a "kaitlin" heaven. the idea of having my own place with my own kitchen-ware, couch, tv programming, netflix subscription, throw pillows, candles, curtains, rugs, coffee table, decorative disco balls, lucky penguins...the list goes on. i won't have to worry about who did the dishes last, who wants the blinds closed or the heater on. all i will have to worry about is if i'm gonna be done with The Vista in time to catch Chelsea Lately on E! or if i'm running low on method dish soap. please don't get me wrong, i completely love my roommate. but there is something wonderful to be said about quiet time and having your own belongings. while reading "Travels With Charley" by John Steinbeck, i've become envious of the time Steinbeck (and even Charley) have with their own thoughts. when i think about the things i could write if i took a trip with just myself and my dog...i get somewhat overwhelmed, but it's an empowering feeling at the same time? not sure how that works, but it might be that i accept that i CAN be a good writer if i just allow myself the time and mindset. i tend to fight my writing urges because i'm afraid i can't live up to expectations, especially when it's creative writing. i have that brilliant idea for a novel just sitting up on a shelf in my mind, waiting to be put within the front and back covers that make up a book (hard copy of course). we'll seeeee what happens this summer. hopefully i'll have my own place in san diego, accompanied by a job, money, a car and a dog (or cat). those will be the daze. penguin of the week? conductor penguin:
friends dealing with p. safe, friends dealing with bi guys, friends dealing with missing the person they were in the summer and family dealing with fire evacuations. this week has been full of worry for so many people i know. and when the people i care about stress out, i stress out. this week has been very long. and the weather is really hot now. i miss the hope and excitement i felt when the temperature dropped. i'm back to getting iced drinks and wearing flip flops. back to taking the tram everywhere because i can't breathe. (but maybe that's because of smoking rather than the semi-humid weather). and now with these fires threatening the homes of my relatives...things just suck for so many people right now. i'm worried about my aunt and uncle who are trapped in the middle of the fire while housesitting their neighbor's house. i'm worried about...every other person in my family. all of them are dealing with some kind of issue, whether it be health or money or relationships. and then i think about my life and how lucky i am but how stupid i am at the same time. i have my health but i destroy it with cigarettes and being too exhausted to go to the gym. i have my smarts but am destroying them with persistent drug abuse. i have my humor but i'm destroying that by being bitchy. i could go on but i'm destroying my easy-going nature by complaining about things i do to myself. so i have decided to slowly but surely quit smoking and cut back on my bitchiness. i know i'm not the meanest girl ever, especially at usd or in ventura county, but i hate feeling like a bitch. i've been told that i'm a confrontational little one...not exactly how i want to be known, but it's definitely not a bad character trait. i'm proud of my confidence and "strong will." but i'm even more proud of my idea to have a "daft penguin" created for me. ^
with a school year full of election craziness (yaaayyyy obama!), art projects, speeches, latin tests (open-book thank GOD) and weekly issues of The Vista, i rarely ever have time for me. hence why there are never any posts on this supercute blog. i'm pretty sure the main reason i write on it, besides my love of writing, is because of the pink and purple. but last night, on a rare saturday night in, i allowed myself to eat chocolate and read an entire issue of Nylon front to back (the most recent one at that). though i have two past issues sitting on my table under a stack of newspapers and receipts, i was so SO happy to be able to take a (healthy) break from thinking and read about fashion and music. it reminded me why i do everything i do. why i wear the same 4 pieces of crazy jewelry every day, why i write about m.i.a.'s fashion line, why i want to start my own magazine. in the midst of reading i was asked to join a friend in the courtyard to have a cig. that very enjoyable cig break lasted 2 and a half hours and was intermittently freckled with drunken stories from friends arriving home from frat parties and ended with rain sprinkles and gusts of wind, and maybe a raccoon or two, or three. it made me kind of re-fall in in love with usd. i've been contemplating my decision to attend this university, like many of my friends, and i realized that i'm here for a reason, and it's not to appease the many crazy guys i come in contact with, or to talk shit with the cool girls. i'm here because i've already learned so much about myself through so many challenges AND i get to edit The Vista! where else would i have been able to get an editing position that early in my college career? superlucky.
i have no time to breathe. i can't even find time to pick up my paycheck :(. this is terrible. on the bright side, at least i HAVE a paycheck. the economy is really shitty, as i experienced first hand over the summer, but working on campus helps to shield me from that sad sad fact.
while i am certainly planning on writing a ridiculous amount of exciting things, i'm only going to write a teazer right now since i'm studying for logic (though i don't think i really need that much help with logistical thinking):
USD could stand for many things considering how many sluts go here. overall though i'm having a pretty good time being back. the weather is absolutely gorgeous. i walk everywhere so my legs are quite toned and i'm no longer out of breath when i climb stairs, i've met some really cool people simply by sitting in the center of my little apartment area (The Vistasssss) and having a cig or two. my roommate is the coolest person ever and our apartment is super cute. the only downside is how quickly people change for the worse. it's disappointing how easily people lose their coolness and respect value just by changing who they are depending on who they are around. i thought that was high school shit but i guess nott.
i have astonished myself by writing a 6 page paper in one night. i haven't written a paper since last week, but before that it had been about 4 or 5 months. it's such a relief to know that i can still write scholarly things. this semester won't be as hard as i thought. woo!
things i hate that happen on facebook:
i remember on the day of the superbowl, my mom called me to tell me that the puppy bowl was on. and to my enjoyment, animal planet was presenting a puppy version of the superbowl, in which puppies of all shapes sizes and breeds were put into a mini arena to play with all kinds of toys.
because i am completely addicted to Bravo, i watched Tabatha's Salon Takeover. it's absolutely ridculous, but i love watching interior design things so i sat through it. she's so unnecessarily mean, but she does know what she's talking about. my sister puts it perfectly: she's not a bitch, she just acts like one. there is a huge difference between being a bitch and acting like one, obviously. Tabatha never sounds genuinely mean. she's putting on a show, for her show.