Tuesday, December 2

;asdjf fuck

i am drunk. or at least buzzed. and had the most difficult time writing my articles for The Vista this week. as i slowly type this to avoid misspellings, i begin to think about the lyrics that WHY? is singing to me at this exact moment. something about "fucking grooving?" god damn i want to dance. i miss justice live. they're my friends (they told me). i miss listening to girl talk and playing beer pong with black mugs and glass cups. i miss ecstasy. i miss my big bed at home. i miss stability. i obviously miss being drunk without being depressing. i miss lewis, most of all. i miss being able to write sober, because until i had those glasses of champagne i was experiencing major writer's block, and it was shitty. but for real, i'm gonna start a magazine for USD solely about arts & culture. help a girl out. 


Amanda Holland said...

I am down to help you start this magazine.

Lauren Millslagle said...

Hey, it lori, duuuude I want to help make you with your magazine!!! best plan ever!